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What Your Stylist Wants You to Know....Verbal Vomiting.

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Verbally vomiting, we've all done it. We all have to do it at times to get it off our chest and out of brains to function. If you're unsure what Verbally Vomit is, According to wikipedia, it's “Verbal vomiting is the forceful expulsion of the contents of one’s mind through the mouth and projecting it at whoever has engaged them in discourse"

Beauty Artists are trustworthy for folks to tell us your deep dark secrets. Please be mindful that we listen to voices talking all day long. From beginning of an appointment to the end we feel dumped on yet you feel better relief. It's exhausting to anyone on the receiving end. Beauty Artists hear just about everything under the sun as would a Therapist. I've seriously thought about charging extra or going back to school to get my psychology license with all the complimentary therapy I've given out.

It's so easy to connect with clients on a personal level, yet there is a fine line we all have to balance on which way it shall lean to. People love to be heard, it's in our nature and people also love to tell their stories to people they trust--Beauty Artists.

The recovering people pleaser used to take on everyone's problems and engage in the verbal vomit sesh, create a solution on how "we" were going to solve the issues at hand, then later do a follow up to check in to see where they were at in the problem, and how I could dive deeper to help. Sounds exhausting right? Absolutely! I no longer do allow this behavior and have set clear boundaries. I'm still an excellent listener, yet I now ask how they plan to solve their own issues and move on to a different subject.

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