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No One is Going to Rescue You....Self Care Behind the Chair

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Lights and sirens are right on your tail. Are they on their way to rescue you from all your worries, anxiety, and lack of boundary setting? I would bet the house that is a conclusive code blue and you need to get out of their way.

It's convenient to look to our friends, family, and of course social media for acceptance. However, let's be real, no one is going to rescue you from your lack of self-assurance, evil spirits, or unhappiness. As harsh as that sounds, I learned this from an internal battle uphill in the snow both ways hardship, and now I want to pass it on to you and save you the time and energy I wasted.

Constantly looking to others to "make" me feel confident, happy and secure about myself was a joke and unhealthy. My spirits would be lifted for about 2 minutes and then I'd go right back where I started- down in the dumps. What gives? This became a serious mind F*** and a game of exhaustion. I finally realized, depending on others for affirmations and my well being was absolutely ridiculous as I began to notice how codependent outside of my own being I'd become.

Realizing that not everyone is going to agree with what I have to say or like the boundaries I've set to better care for myself and that is their problem, no longer mine. The conclusion is that no one is going to rescue me either! What a revelation! It was time to get to work on myself! Through a lot of therapy, looking inwards and being vulnerable was a rude awakening, audacious event and open eye opening to get my s*** together. But guess what, I'm a better person for me because of it.

I created Self Care Behind the Chair to guide Beauty Artists and beyond to your own awakening and taking care of the number one person and that is you.

Let's connect: and check out my ebook at

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